Are you due a declutter? Have you had a summer clear out but haven’t quite managed to pass the items on? Let us take them off your hands!
We would be grateful for any new or pre-loved good condition books, toys, sports gear, furniture, clothing and household items to be sold in our White Elephant stall at the Gala. Drop offs open from 24 February: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:25am – 8:55am at the old Tuck Shop. We would also happily take any clean, reusable or paper bags that you no longer need.
There is still time to become a GOLD SPONSOR when you donate $300 or more (total value of items or monetary donation). We already have some amazing businesses on board. All funds raised from the school Gala go towards the Junior Playground upgrade. We appreciate all the support from our community – all donations, no matter how big or small, help our Gala to be a spectacular evening.