Next week we have our first Open Afternoon for the year on Tuesday 25 February. This is an opportunity to come into school and have a look at what your child has been doing during the first few weeks of the year. As with past Open Afternoons, your child will have a list of things to show you to help guide your visit. You are welcome to begin your visit at 1:00pm if you would like to have lunch with your child and see them or join in with their break time play. The end of lunch is at 1:40pm and that will be the time your children can show you their learning, classroom and around the school. Your child should return back to their usual classroom at 2:45pm for the end of day pack up routines. All our families are welcome and the students have always been excited to share their work and their school spaces with those closest to them. Please come along if you are able.
- 1:00pm Visitors welcome to arrive for lunch time
- 1:40pm Students return to class to share their learning and tour their visitors
- 2:45pm All students return to their classes for end of day routines