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Format: 2 x 12min halves, clock run. Teams must have 10 players and 1 adult 
Season: Starts Monday 12 May
Finals: Monday 15 September
Games: Wednesdays between 3.30pm-5.45pm (overflow games Mondays 3.30pm-4.00pm)
Venue: TSB Stadium
Fees: $60
These fees include a mouthguard. Mouthguards are compulsory for all players – no mouthguard no game.

Format: 2 x 12min halves, clock run. Teams must have 10 players and 1 adult 
Season: Starts Tuesday 13 May
Finals: Wednesday 17 September
Games: Wednesdays between 3.30pm-5.45pm (overflow games Tuesdays 3.30pm-4.00pm)
Venue: TSB Stadium
Fees: $60
These fees include a mouthguard. Mouthguards are compulsory for all players – no mouthguard no game. 

Game format: 2 x 18min halves (clock run) with 1 x 30-second time out each half, (no timeouts or subs in the final 2 mins), 1 min half time break. 5 fouls per player, 7 team fouls. 
Season: Starts Monday 12 May
Finals: Monday 15 September (to be confirmed)
Games: Mondays 4.00pm-6.40pm (There may be some catch up games played on other nights of the week)
Team: Must have 10 players minimum and 1 adult in charge of the team
Venue: TSB Stadium
Fees: $70
These fees include a mouthguard. Mouthguards are compulsory for all players – no mouthguard no game.

Game format: 4 x 10min quarters, clock run, no 24-sec shot clock. 1 x 30 second time out each quarter, 1min quarter time break and 2min half time break. 5 fouls per player. 4 team fouls per quarter. No overtime.
Season: Starts Monday 12 May (Boys) 
Finals: Monday 15 September
Games: Boys – Mondays 6.00pm to 9.00pm or Tuesdays 4.00pm to 6.30pm
Venue: TSB Stadium
Fees: $70
These fees include a mouthguard. Mouthguards are compulsory for all players – no mouthguard no game.

$60 – Year 0-4 grades
$70 – Year 5-8 grades

Fees include affiliation to New Plymouth Basketball. There is an additional $5 levy to register with Basketball NZ.
Fees must be paid via Kindo before the first game.
Once registered to play the fees will be non-refundable.

Basketball singlets will be provided once fees are paid and teams are finalised.
Parents will need to provide sports shoes suitable for the court – no black soled or street shoes are permitted on the stadium court areas. All players will be expected to take to the court in full team uniform and this includes blue or black shorts. All jewellery/bracelets must be removed prior to taking to the court. Nails to be clipped shorter than the tip of fingers. No gum is to be chewed while on court.

Each team will be required to do bench duty for their own game (one from each team). They will be required to have the knowledge to complete a scoresheet and operate the electronic scoreboard. Examples and instructions will be displayed on the score bench for reference.

All players are required to register with Basketball NZ through their digital hub, Gameday. Once teams have been finalised, a link to the registration page will be sent to you. There is a mandatory levy of $5.00 payable to BBNZ when registering on Gameday. Please note this levy is a one-off payment for the season and if you are entering into other competitions then the registration will recognise that the levy has already been paid. An email address will be required to register. Ideally each player should register with their own or a family email address. There can be multiple registrations under one family email. 

Any players or parents interested in refereeing please contact Tony Eldershaw on 021 188 8001 or email

All spectators must proceed upstairs to the mezzanine floor. No spectators are permitted on the playing court.

Please ensure you have installed the Bell Block School parent portal @school Mobile on your device so that you receive all sports notices and notifications. If you have not yet logged in to the parent app, please contact the school office for setup and login instructions. Email 

No balls are to be bounced in the TSB Stadium Foyer at any time.

Sports & Culture